
The Beginning of Fashion illustration—from the 16th Century to the 17th Century (1500 - 1700)

The Beginning of Fashion illustration—from the 16th Century to the 17th Century (1500 - 1700)

The fashion illustration was originated in Europe and its history begins in the sixteenth century. Before we introduced the representative works of this period we have to mention a German named Johannes Gutenberg who introduced the printing press into Europe during the 14th century. This is a huge event of the modern period because this technique led to a revolution of European bookmaking which helped the fashion illustrations could be seen by more and more people.

Fig.1-1 Johannes Gutenberg

Before the word Fashion Illustration was created, the style of fashion was known by the image on the engravings and utensil, oil paintings, or the etchings and woodcuts about costumes.

In the 16th century, the time which the experts recon that the history of fashion illustration begins, there are more than 200 collections of woodcuts of garments were published. The best-known book is the De gli habiti antichi et moderni di diverse parti del mondo(1590) published in Italy by Cesare Vecellio, which includes 420 woodcuts depicting garments of Europe, Africa, and Asia. And these illustrations of dress became the prototype for fashion illustration as we known today (Blackman, 2007).

Fig.2-1 the woodcuts in Cesare Vecellio’s book

In the 17th century, Wenceslaus Hollar’s master work Winter is a representative of fashion etchings. Wenceslaus is a Bohemian etcher who worked in London since 1640 and produced the drawings of dresses and texture of English fashion.

Fig.2-2 Wenceslaus Hollar and his master work -- Winter (1643)

From the 1670s, journals began to be published especially in France. Louis XIV supported a newspaper named Le Mecure Galant which was founded in France in 1672. This newspaper included articles about fashion and beautiful fashion illustrations. The picture below is the content of this newspaper.

Fig 2-3 the newspaper Le Mercure gallant (1672)

