
The Giants of 20th Century – Etienne Drian, Helen Dryden and Bentio

In the same era with those illustrators who were introduced several days ago, Etienne Drian, Helen Dryden and Bentio are also very famous. Each of them had strong painting style and influenced the next generation of fashion illustrators.

The first illustrator will be introduced is a French illustrator named Etienne Drian, his drawings are very elegant, including his models and brushwork, which are inspired from life. Rene Gruau who will be mentioned tomorrow said that Etienne Drian is the greatest to him(Downtown, 2010).

Helen Dryden is a woman illustrator of America, and she drew a large number of illustrations for American Vogue since 1910 to 1930. The models in her drawings are generally thin and tall or having a long neck and delicate fingers. And the smooth and slender lines made her illustrations romantic and gentler.

The last illustrator is Eduardo Garcia Bentio short for Benito who was born in Spain. He was influenced by Modigliani and he drew for Vogue for a long time. His works usually use simple and delicate lines, and most of his illustrations could be recognized immediately because of his unique style.

Here is the timeline of these three illustrators:

Fig. 8-1 the timeline of Etienne Drian, Helen Dryden, and Benito

